A black Swan event is something that was not expected to occur, but a series of events caused it. Normally hindsight allows those looking at it to see that it was actually predictable. Here is a link where you can read more on Black Swan events: http://blackswanevents.org/?page_id=26
In our case, I can see clearly why technology is increasing in price and in some cases is just not available.
Computers, server and technology grows old or dies and must be replaced. If you need to replace them now, you selected a bad time.
- Microsoft ended support for Windows 7, Server 2008 and Office 2010, so more people are buying computers which means less parts and increased prices.
- The United States and China are having a tariff war, which means buyers are trying to time purchase which means less parts and increased prices.
- The Coronavirus started in China, several technology plants are closed which means less parts and increased prices.