Preparing for Disaster

As we are all experiencing, disasters, natural, mechanical and man-made, do happen. Let’s not wait any longer, you need to have a backup plan for when a disaster happens to you.

Since I deal with technology, I am going to leave it to you to get food, to be prepared to help yourself, family and others. I am going to get on my soapbox and say, get your computer data protected too! Continue reading

Tablet “computer” systems: Android, Windows 7 and hardware. Using the ViewPad 10

Over the last 5 months I have been trying to use a ViewSonic VPAD10. This is a touchpad similar to many out there. This one differs in that it is dual boot, I can boot to the Android operating system or Windows 7 Professional.

In this article or series I want to cover, first the Android Operating System (OS), then I will cover using Windows 7 on such a device and finally I want to cover the physical device itself.

Some people want to get to the heart of things, authors and writers however prefer to give the conclusions at the end, wanting you to read all their report. Well, I like to mix things up.

My conclusion is don’t waste your money or time on an Android tablet. Continue reading